Thursday, December 19, 2013

Hello and Welcome!

I am so very passionate about essential oils, and I'm excited to share this information with you. Whether you're brand new to essential oils, new to dōTERRA, or just wandering in off the streets ... I'm glad you're here!

I have been drawn to essential oils since early on in my adult life. Turning to them when an ailment and/or issue would arise. I'd research which oil was recommended,  run on down to the health food store to purchase, and then chomp at the bit until I could get home and try it out (alternatively my husband would drive, allowing me time to apply the oils immediately, right there in the car ... haa!). I was always left feeling disappointed; not really ever experiencing the desired affect.

After enough disappoint you'd think I would end the cycle and move on, right? The draw I felt to essential oils was so strong, so fierce, that I'd assume I wasn't using enough. Or I was using them at the wrong time. In the wrong way. Perhaps other lifestyle habits were impeding the oils natural process. I made excuses. And I made a lot of them.

What are Essential Oils?
Most simply put, essential oils are the life blood of the plant.
  • Essential oils are the volatile liquids distilled from plants, shrubs, flowers, trees, roots, bushes, and seeds.
  • In addition to giving the plant it's unique aroma, they also feed the plant. Essential oils contain hundreds (even thousands) of organic constituents, including hormones and vitamins, aiding in the plants immune system, protecting it from disease and predators, and keeping it alive; thriving.  
  • Essential oils are able to quickly penetrate the skin, affecting every cell in the human body within 20 minutes.
  • Essential oils are oxygenating, allowing them to transport nutrients to cells.
  • Essential oils are detoxifying. They are also powerful antioxidants.
  • Essential oils have been used throughout history, in many cultures, for their medicinal and therapeutic benefits. Modern scientific study, and a push for more holistic approaches to our health, has revived this ancient and sacred practice.

And then I was introduced to dōTERRA.
Going on day four of a massive migraine. Balled up in bed, crying out of frustration, and quite literally at the end of my rope. With no conventional medicine in our home at all (for many years), I asked my husband to run to the store to buy "DRUGS! Any drugs to make it stop"! He first stopped at our friends house to see if they had any pain relief. He came home with dōTERRA essential oils. We won't go into the frustration that transpired with this delivery of oils. Suffice it to say ... he backed away, very slowly, and ran to the store.

I stared at those bottles of oils. Cursing them.
And then I grabbed one. Rolled it around in my hand. Shook it up. Looked at it some more. Finally I unscrewed the lid. The aroma, oh the sweet aroma. So powerful. So pure. Sooo... vibrational. I rubbed a couple of drops across my forehead, on my temples, the back of my neck, and the soles of my feet. Less then FIVE MINUES later my migraine was virtually gone.

Yes! This. This is why I've always felt such a strong pull to this life force. This is what a true essential oil can do.

Why dōTERRA Essential Oils?
Not all essential oils are created equal.
  • dōTERRA produces 100% pure essential oils; they do not contain chemical solvents or other fillers that would dilute their quality.
  • Third party testing on every single batch ensures that dōTERRA oils are pure, therapeutic, and of the highest quality ... free of any contamination. 
  • Because of this dedication to purity, dōTERRA stands behind the internal use of most of their single oils, as well as their many of their brand specific blends.
  • Plants are grown in their native region, and harvested during peak period, for maximum potency.
  • dōTERRA oils are safe, fast acting, highly effective, and often times less expensive then synthetic alternatives. 
  • And bonus ... they come without the side effects and addictions that all too often accompany conventional medicine.
I believe in this company, and their products, SO much that I decided to join their team! This was no small decision for me! Check out our unique options for enjoying dōTERRA's amazing products! 

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